U of A Public Health Major Helps Launch Northwest Arkansas Community Needs Survey

Alexandria Emberson, a U of A public health major, is gaining professional experience in her field this summer as she helps identify the top needs of underserved populations in Northwest Arkansas.

Emberson is working with Dr. Lisa Low, Mercy Hospital’s medical director of community health, to create and distribute a community health needs survey to improve care and programs in the region. Mercy is leading the effort and is joined by a variety of community partners, including Arkansas Children’s Northwest, the Arkansas Department of Health, the Marshallese COVID-19 Task Force, NWA Council, Washington Regional Medical Center and Whole Health Institute.

Emberson created flyers in three languages and recently began distributing them to health facilities and businesses across Northwest Arkansas, Low said. The flyers include a QR code so participants can go directly to the online survey. The survey is anonymous and includes 30 multiple choice, fill in the blank or “select all that apply” questions. The survey will be open for participation through Aug. 31.

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