The Immersive Healthcare Of The Future: 5 Ways It Will Alter Patient Experience

We can’t deny that healthcare services around the world are under intense pressure. Especially since the pandemic, waiting times can be long, access to certain services can be limited, and, depending on where you are in the world, medical treatment can be hugely expensive. Metaverse technologies like virtual reality (VR) and digital twins can not only improve patient outcomes; they could vastly improve access to healthcare services.
Many of us have had a telephone or video consultation with a doctor or other healthcare practitioner in the last few years. Imagine putting on a VR headset and enjoying a more immersive remote consultation – whether it’s an annual check-up, a review of test results, or diagnosing a minor condition that can be diagnosed visually. VR would enable a deeper level of immersion, giving both you and the practitioner a better sense of “being there” together. Far more so than with a telephone or video consultation.

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