Kamala Harris mocked over science video for kids

Vice President Kamala Harris is getting roasted on social media after appearing in a NASA video for kids while the Biden administration’s approval ratings continue on a downward spiral.

Harris, who serves as chair of the National Space Council, talked to kids about her fixation with the “craters on the moon” during a NASA video on YouTube honoring World Space Week. In the video, the vice president hosted the kids and gave them life advice at her official residence in Washington, D.C., where the U.S. Naval Observatory is located.

“You know, one of the most important pieces of advice that I can offer you guys, and I want you to really remember this: Never let anybody tell you who you are, you tell them who you are,” Harris said in the video. “Never let anybody suggest to you that you are what they think you should be, you tell them who you are and who you know you are, and what you intend to be. Got that?”

Harris also talked about her own passion for science and “exploring the unknown,” as well as what the kids could expect during their trip to the observatory. “You’re gonna literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes!” Harris exclaimed. “With your own eyes! I’m telling you, it is gonna be unbelievable.”

The vice president traveled with the kids to the observatory and gushed, “Wait until you guys see the moon. I’m telling you. I just, I don’t know what it is about those craters on the moon.” “Always dream with ambition. Have big dreams!” she said. Harris’ animation and wide-eyed enthusiasm over the subject matter became a point of ridicule among conservatives.
