How Walking Can Help You Lose Weight, Decrease Stress, and Lower Blood Pressure

One of the most powerful ways to maintain a healthy weight, stay strong, and live longer is so shockingly simple, even a toddler can do it. All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other. “Walking has always been my main source of cardio, and except for when I was pregnant, I’ve been the same weight my entire life!” says fitness expert Denise Austin.

The key is to strut for, ideally, at least 30 minutes a day, says Melina B. Jampolis, M.D., author of The Doctor on Demand Diet. And whether you decide to lace up your sneakers and walk to work, pair up with a friend, or join a hiking club, research shows that walking can do everything from lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of chronic diseases to making your brain sharper and your heart happier.

Love walking? Join the Prevention Virtual Walk on October 2, 2021! Sign up for free and do your 5K wherever you please. We look forward to walking “with” you!

Walking is simple enough that nearly any able-bodied person can do it. “Plus it has tremendous benefits, from supporting a healthy immune system to boosting your metabolism to strengthening your joints, muscles, and bones—not to mention it’s amazing for stress relief and enjoying a little ‘me time,’” says Austin. Here’s what else you can expect when you start walking for just a half hour—that’s less time than it takes to listen to one music album!—most days of the week.

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