Guiding Principles That Lead to a Strong Business

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What do we mean when we talk about governance? Governance refers to structures and processes designed to ensure accountability, guidance, transparency, the rule of law, equity and inclusiveness, and empowerment. Governance at Herbalife Nutrition begins with their own clear and straightforward values: we always do what’s right, work together, and build it better.

These principles manifest through more than 10,000 Herbalife Nutrition employees located around the globe, for whom they strive to provide a safe workplace that nurtures collaboration, innovation, continuous improvement, diversity and inclusion, personal development, and a commitment to wellness.

They created The Herbalife Nutrition Corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) to serve as the foundation for how their employees conduct themselves. It is reinforced by their broader Ethics and Compliance program, which includes awareness campaigns and training programs. Their culture focuses on ethics and compliance being the responsibility of everyone; it is inherent in how all employees conduct themselves.