Congress mandates new car technology to stop drunken driving

Congress has created a new requirement for automakers: Find a high-tech way to keep drunken people from driving cars. It’s one of the mandates along...

Following SCOTUS ruling, pro-choice groups reaffirm plans for $150 million midterm election blitz

Pro-choice groups have planned major election spending to support Democrats in the midterms following the Supreme Court's ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, which protected...

Trump endorses ‘conservative fighter’ Perdue in Georgia governors’ race

Former President Donald Trump endorsed former Sen. David Perdue in the Georgia gubernatorial race, calling current GOP Gov. Brian Kemp a "very weak Governor." "Great...

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Reasons to skip fresh fruit juice this summer and opt for whole fruit

Thinking juicing fresh fruit is your healthiest beverage option this summer? Think again. From zero fibre to sugar overdose, know the adverse effects of...

Reduce Salt and Increase Potassium for Heart Health

Researchers emphasize the importance of reducing salt intake and increasing potassium levels for heart health. According to a recent study published in JAMA, drastically...

Why Reddit Has A Problem With Costco Bananas

Some bananas taste different than others, and not just because of their ripeness — anything from the location where they were grown to the...
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