Can artificial intelligence deliver real learning at business school?

Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is...

The Best Free AI Music Generators Of 2023

The rise of AI-generated music has caused recent controversy, as people are using the software to create songs “sung” by big name artists like...

Searching for Advanced Nuclear Power Technology?

It might surprise many people to learn that nearly every operating reactor in the world has technological roots in Idaho. The fact is, the...

Should we trust Apple with mental health data?

I can see why you might say, Liz, this sounds benign and obvious. What’s the big deal? And I think about a meeting I...

Monday’s Headlines: Mayhem in Manhattan Edition

The big news today will be yet another clusterf**k in Lower Manhattan as the House Judiciary Committee (aka the Committee to Re-Elect the Former...

12 Amazon Products To Help You Stick To Your Daily Routine While Traveling

We independently selected these deals and products because we love them, and we think you might like them at these prices. E! has affiliate...

How an AI tool could crack your passwords in seconds ?

AI may be able to do lots of cool things like write computer code, tell you a story, and explain the theory of relativity....

How AI is Shaking Up the Music Industry ?

technological shift in the way music is consumed and distributed, we are now on the precipice of another major revolution certain to disrupt the...

How Will Generative AI Shape Retail Customer Service?

“The ability of generative AI to put massive amounts of information at the fingertips of CSRs greatly increases their capacity to resolve the customer’s...

How Generative AI Will Change Sales

Last month, Microsoft fired a powerful salvo by launching Viva Sales, an application with embedded generative AI technology designed to help salespeople and sales...

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Chipotle Is Testing New Smoked Brisket in Certain U.S. Cities

Chipotle is continuing to bring new innovations to its restaurants.The fast-casual chain announced on Monday that they are currently testing smoked brisket in select...

Reasons to skip fresh fruit juice this summer and opt for whole fruit

Thinking juicing fresh fruit is your healthiest beverage option this summer? Think again. From zero fibre to sugar overdose, know the adverse effects of...

Reduce Salt and Increase Potassium for Heart Health

Researchers emphasize the importance of reducing salt intake and increasing potassium levels for heart health. According to a recent study published in JAMA, drastically...
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