At just 36% support, Biden slips to a record low in a new poll

President Biden’s poll numbers keep heading in the wrong direction.

The president’s approval rating stands at 36%, with disapproval at 53% in a new Quinnipiac University national poll. That’s the president’s lowest level of public support in Quinnipiac polling since taking over in the White House in January.

Biden’s approval edged down a point and his disapproval trickled up a point from Quinnipiac’s October survey.

As expected, there’s a huge partisan divide, with Democrats by a 87%-7% margin giving the president a thumbs-up and Republicans disapproving by a 94%-4% margin. Only 29% of independent voters approve of how Biden’s handling his duties steering the country, with 56% disapproving.

The president stood at 49% approval and 51% disapproval in a separate national poll from Marquette University Law School that was also released on Thursday. Biden’s approval in the survey, conducted Nov. 1-10, was down nine points from Marquette’s last poll, from July.

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