Home Health The Trauma of Being Misdiagnosed and Medicated as an Autistic Child

The Trauma of Being Misdiagnosed and Medicated as an Autistic Child

I started taking various psych pills when I was 8 years old. My behavior was not great thanks to a combo of undiagnosed autism and abusive parents. They started pumping pills in me as soon as they could to control what I now know were autistic meltdowns, but at the time were diagnosed as bipolar or defiance episodes. I made it clear that I did not want to take these pills, but I was told I had no choice. I managed to hide my daily pills for the first few months and got into huge trouble when I was discovered.
I hated the way the pills would make me feel. Whenever a new pill was added or substituted in my daily cocktail, which was often, I would feel sick for weeks. The pills also took a toll on my body. I was either dangerously skinny or very overweight because of the pill side effects, depending on what meds they had me on at the moment. I also had to do things like get my blood taken every month to make sure my body wasn’t being damaged too badly.
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