Texas classifies genital gender-affirming surgery for trans children as child abuse, according to its state commissioner of Family and Protective Services. wrote on wednesday, an action that advocates for trans children is political theater because operations are rare but still threatens teachers, doctors and other mandated journalists with potential felony for not reporting the parents of those children. those who suspect they have had surgery.
The state’s commissioner of Family and Protective Services, Jaime Masters, wrote that altering a child’s genitals is acceptable only to repair an injury, illness, or disorder related to sexual development.
Masters wrote that teachers, doctors, and others required by Texas law to report child abuse can be charged with abuse or a crime for not reporting the parent of a child they suspect. that gender-affirming surgery has occurred.
Abbott wrote to Masters on August 6 asking him to review whether genital sex-affirming surgery both called genital mutilation considered child abuse under state law. Confirming this in his letter, Masters said the surgery cannot be considered abuse “when medically necessary.”
In fact, the official diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) identifies, and treats, gender dysphoria, a condition defined by mismatch “between one’s experienced/expressed gender and the specified gender.” APA says genital surgery is an option for treatment in adults.