An alliance of 21 creator and creative economy organisations representing an industry that employs over 600,000 workers welcomes the announcement of a Copyright and AI Reference Group by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus KC MP.
Our organisations represent the emerging and established artists and creators across the creative economy and includes every genre, artform and medium. Whether it’s art, music, design, screen, media, performance or books, we tell Australia’s stories and project our image around the world. Our industry is worth $90 billion to the national economy and includes the professional ecosystem that supports the creation and distribution of homegrown stories, art and composition.
Artificial intelligence is a major step change in technological advancement that will impact the workers and audiences who enjoy the fruits of our labour. The use of generave AI represents an extraordinarily exciting time for artists as they continue to innovate by bridging together technology and creativity. It is a period that has the potenal to support a new boon in creavity.
The potenal of generave AI to support the creave economy must come with clear guidelines to stop the proliferaon of unauthorised copying of creator intellectual property. Regulaon must look beyond the short-term hype of generave AI plaorms to ensure the sustainability of the workforce who created the content that has powered and enabled generave AI soware. AI is another development of computer science, subject to the same ethical and legal requirements as any other business. Input costs from creave industry labour to develop this computer science must be at the heart of the investor framework for AI both here and around the world.