Big plans are on the horizon for Facebook and Spotify. Founder Mark Zuckerberg recently announced to journalist Casey Newton that the social media platform plans to expand in the audio space. The recent interview covers future Facebook plans and their involvement with Spotify. This new integration project of the two platforms, called Project Boombox, starts next week.
Basically, Spotify will deeply integrate with Facebook. Moreover, podcasts will be available, but the integration will ultimately prioritize music. Zuckerberg confirms this and mentions that music is “at the heart of this” project. Additionally, the hope for Project Boombox is to make music more accessible. Facebook also wants to amplify the relationship they already have with Spotify.
The two platforms are making big moves! Recently, they announced Soundbites, an ongoing project. In a press release, it was described as “short-form, creative audio clips for capturing anecdotes, jokes, moments of inspiration, poems, and many other things we haven’t yet imagined.” Moreover, Spotify just acquired Locker Room, a Clubhouse competitor. Clubhouse is currently invite-only, and other platforms are catching up quick to create their own versions of this app.