According to a recent report from the US Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy, North Dakota is home to 75,265 small businesses. This number accounts for 98.8% of all businesses in the state.
If you are looking to start your own business and add to the economic impact of these North Dakota small businesses, consider establishing your business as a limited liability company (LLC). Unlike a sole proprietorship, structuring your business as an LLC reduces your liability as an owner by legally separating the business entity from your personal financial and legal presence.
Your first step is to choose a business name. As you consider names, remember to incorporate North Dakota’s business naming guidelines into your process. We’ve also created a business naming guide to help you ensure your chosen name is both appropriate and marketable.
Once you’ve chosen a preferred name, run it through North Dakota’s business records search database to determine if it is already in use by another company. In addition, search for it in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s search trademark database. If the name appears in either of these databases, you must choose another one and try again.