How to eat more plant protein

Plant proteins have been labelled as the ‘unsung heroes’ in the world of nutrition – and now there’s even more scientific reason to back this up.
A new large-scale study has found that women who consume higher amounts of plant protein can slash this risk of cancer and heart disease later in life.
Looking at data of 48,000 women between 1984 and 2016, researchers also discovered that those who ate more plant protein were nearly 50% more likely to have a healthier old age.
In fact, along with notably less heart disease and cancer, the research team also saw less prevalence of diabetes, and cognitive and mental health decline in women who consumed lots of plant-based protein.
“Consuming protein in midlife was linked to promoting good health in older adulthood,” Dr Andres Ardisson Korat from Tufts University, Boston, said.

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