Since the first computer was created in the mid-20th century and Apple’s first iPhone debuted in 2007, technology and the software development that comes along with it have revolutionized our world and daily life. And the challenges of the global pandemic and its aftermath have accelerated the need for these technology solutions at a pace never seen before. While the need is increasing, software development has become enormously challenging; in some respects, we are at the extent of the cottage industry architecture it has been built on. The Great Resignation has hit this industry hard.
Adaptable systems and processes
This accelerating pace of technology coupled with major socio-economic and political shifts are dictating that we not only build differently, but also build with intelligence. We need more systems and processes that can adapt, learn and apply these learnings to address the changing needs of businesses and consumers — and not just today but tomorrow.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already become a main driver of emerging technologies, from big data to robotics and IoT. Based on user history, experiences and current usage pattern displays, AI can quickly and efficiently address the demands of multiple users and usages, based on learning principles and natural language processing (NLP) techniques.
This technology enables systems to access and deploy huge amounts of data and processes without the need for heavy human intervention. And as more intelligence is built, AI cannot only drive enhanced results, but predict and plan for future implementation.
Today, AI is further transforming the software development space and making it easier for businesses of all sizes to simply build. Thus, AI opens more opportunities for both small businesses and enterprises to develop software more quickly and efficiently, and ultimately grow and engage through intelligence.