A bridge provides access over a barrier from one point to another.
It allows people to meet a destination that would otherwise be difficult or impossible.
A bridge can also be a place for reflection.
The historic High Bridge in Thompson Falls is such a place.
“A Montana Moment,” said Sanders County Commissioner Carol Brooker, ” is walking over the High Bridge and sharing the beauty that we have here.”
The High Bridge spans the Clark Fork River just south of Thompson Falls.
It connects the town of Thompson Falls to the Cherry Creek area, and allows access to a trail system where you can walk or ride your bike.
“One of my passions,” said Carol, “is to get people connected to town without having to drive.”
Every day, people use the bridge to go into town to get their mail, their groceries or to do their business.
The High Bridge was built around 1911.
It was used as transportation for residents and for early construction of the Thompson Falls Dam.
The bridge served the needs of Thompson Falls for decades.