Cathy Bradley Outlines Five Year Plan for the Colorado School of Public Health

Cathy J. Bradley, PhD, is more than two months into her role as the newest dean of the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) and the first woman appointed to this position. She commemorated the beginning of her tenure at the 2023 State of the School Address by acknowledging the school’s history and her vision for its future over the next five years.
On Aug. 1, Bradley succeeded Jonathan Samet, MD, MS, who served as dean since October 2017. Under his leadership, ColoradoSPH was ranked as one of the top 20 graduate schools for public health by the U.S. News and World Report in 2023.
Samet provided a strong foundation for the school’s future, said Chancellor Don Elliman. This is a much, much stronger school today than it once was several years ago.
According to Samet, during the last 15 years since the ColoradoSPH began, the school has fulfilled its initial vision of becoming one of the nation’s premier institutions for public health education, research and training.
Now, Samet said, it’s time for a grander vision with Bradley at the helm.  

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