Aaron Rodgers has a problem with the corporation’s philosophy. That’s what is causing him to stand apart from the Green Bay Packers.
This is how Rodgers summed it up Monday night, appearing on ESPN’s “SportsCenter” and breaking his silence on a rift that widened this offseason between the MVP quarterback and the Packers. While Rodgers stopped short of naming names or specific incidents, he did point fairly unambiguously at the Green Bay front office when he described what has caused his impasse with the team. Appearing on “SportsCenter” to celebrate the final show of his friend and longtime ESPN anchor Kenny Mayne, it was the most expansive message to date from Rodgers about his problems with Packers management.
“I think sometimes people forget what really makes an organization,” Rodgers told Mayne. “And, you know, history is important, legacy of so many people who’ve come before you. But the people, that’s the most important thing. The people make an organization. People make a business and sometimes that gets forgotten.