Welcome back to this semester’s iteration of fashion tips, brought to you by Griffin Brammer and Charlie Gstalder. As a brief note before we begin, we are proponents of the belief that fashion should not be gendered.
Wear what you want as long as you wear it with confidence and “it” isn’t plaid shorts.
For years now, the style bible has dictated a strict regimen of skinny or slim cut pants and a baggier top. But recently, a polar reversal has struck the fashion world.
The new rule to live by: tighter-cut tops and baggy or wide-cut pants. It’ll take some getting used to, but your legs will thank you for the extra breathing room on those 75 degree days. If you want to get ahead of the curve, why not try a new spin on an ugly classic: cargo pants were huge recently for their baggy nature and extra storage.
For the warmer seasons, we predict that cargo shorts will make a comeback, albeit in a much more cropped and shorter fashion. Never let your cargo shorts go below your knee.