On Friday, Kylie Jenner unveiled a new lip kit for her Kylie Cosmetics line, ahead of its relaunch.“MEET THE NEW LIP KIT. smudge resistant, vegan, lightweight, 8 hour wear! gave @kyliecosmetics a little makeover. #ComingSoon,” she wrote.
The CDC says we don’t have to mask if we are fully vaccinated, but hey, you still need to wear one when you fly to see all those friends and family members you haven’t hugged in 15 months. It’s never a bad idea to have a smudge-resistant lipstick on hand that doesn’t come off as soon as you put those mask loops around your ears.
Jenner launched her lip kits in November 2015, when she was only 18 years old. They sold out in less than a minute.During the first part of the Keeping Up With the Kardashians reunion interview with Andy Cohen, Jenner spoke about what inspired her cosmetics line and the lip kits, in particular.“I think my love for makeup started with my insecurity with my lips,” she said.