Besides the philosophical gist of this album, either from musical point of view, or fighting for freedom, it’s taking a big step. We are proving that no power can stop making music, even if it means my life, or going back to jail… Unfortunately after all the complications through making music, we’ll also have to wait for the consequences: What will happen next? Am I going to jail again? In Iran, none of the musicians or studio owners would work for me due to me being banned, and this is one of the complications I face during music production.
It took me more than nine months in an old underground room, connected with musicians from all over the world with a low speed internet connection, to finish this album. With all these, I still made it to work with a major orchestra from Brazil, two female singers from U.S., and musicians from west and middle east, to get this album done. With all the risks, these musicians stood by me, so I can have some motivation for making music.
A few months back, I was arrested by the Iranian regime for this album. Handcuffed in a court, they asked to seize the project, and stop making music. Thereby I stated to the judge that even if this means I’m going back to jail, I’ll get my work done. Although I have experienced two years in prison, three months in solitary confinement, and 40 days of hunger strike, and I still have a suspended sentence of three years in prison which they can operate at any time.