Nothing could stop the Fashion and Design Society from sharing their creativity with the Syracuse University community, not even unforeseen rain showers.
FADS hosted their latest fashion show titled “Revival” to almost 200 members of the SU community on Sunday. Initially, a screening of the show was going to be offered at the Quad, but the show was forced to run entirely over Zoom due to the weather. The event is the student organization’s second since the pandemic.
Before the show started, Aanya Singh, an SU senior and executive producer of “Revival,” expressed the purpose behind the show to the audience. She described it as a testament to letting yourself and your heart run free.
Singh also described the ordeal of moving the event from the Quad to Zoom as bittersweet, as it wasn’t the way she wanted to end her time at FADS and SU. After she spoke, Emily Goldberg, the show’s fashion director, acknowledged Singh and her four years of hard work.
“Aanya, we know you put your blood, sweat and tears into this organization,” Goldberg said. “We want to thank you for building this incredible creative outlet.”
The first half of the show displayed a background containing different symbols of..