Celebration of music at MSUM’s International Make Music Day event

International Make Music Day is a free celebration of music around the world and Minnesota State University Moorhead’s School of Performing Arts hosted an international series of performances. “The purpose of make music day at MSUM is basically just a chance for us to connect with the community to allow the community to try something new listen to something new,” Chair of MSUM’s School of Performing Arts Kenyon Williams.

The performances were to memorialize the loss of the past year while looking forward to the future with “This Moment in Time.” musical piece. The public was invited to listen and play a along with a gong.

“This event I found very relaxing. Being able to participate out in this beautiful sunshine its a nice cool day, and some of these gongs just make a wonderful sound but to be able to sit and just listen it’s a very relaxing way to also stop and think about those you may have lost the things you may have lost during covid. Everybody lost something,” Williams said.

Music is a universal language that anyone can appeal to and people got the chance to experience the vibrations and sounds of a gong that can be therapeutic.
