Play it forward: Hendersonville man gives kids the gift of music

In a perfect world, music would be an equal opportunity gift for everyone. But Terry Baker said, for too many children, it’s a luxury that’s out of reach.

“They can’t afford the instrument, they can’t afford lessons,” said Baker, the music director at West Hendersonville Baptist Church.

He’s become something of a pied piper for budding young musicians who just need an opportunity.

“Music is joy. It’s a universal language,” said Baker, the News 13 Person of the Week.

Baker started a program called S.H.A.R.E, which stands for Someone Helping Another Receive Enrichment.

The community donates used instruments that would otherwise collect dust in storage. Then, Baker repairs them and gives them to someone anxious to play.

“If I could get people to donate instruments that they’ve got stuffed away in closets, that’s not making any music, then I can take these instruments and put them in a child’s hands,” Baker said. “And I give them one year of free lessons.”

Keyboards are among the most sought after instruments.